Art For Your Hips™
Use the links below to view the piece from creation to installation.
Challenged to fill the lobby with a sculpture that will cause a “traffic jam” at the doorway – of the new Georgia Health Sciences University (GHSU) School of Dentistry (SOD) was fulfilled by a 28-foot Chandelier complete with LED lighting to compliment the amazing “Green Building”. The sculpture consists of stainless, textured and mirrored glass, Laticrete grout, and 10 plus months of hard work spanning from snowy blistering cold to the sweltering heat of July. During the build Augusta State University’s Jarod Bell, filmed a documentary of the project’s creation. The team included many talented and industrious individuals including Tommy, Leesa and Hanna Lyles, Michele Pearman, Roger Finch, Joel Lambert, Edward Dorr, Connie and Dick Drisko, Brandon Russell, Ryan Overdyke, Shane Wilson, Mary Ann Aranda, Joe Felz, Tim Felz, Bob Greer, Daniel Felz, Phillip Thompson, Chuck Kneibler, Lani Weatherbee, Skibo Dorr, Chris of Advanced Industrial, and Krista Hospodarsky (Eli may). Special thanks goes to Kenny Graham of Advanced Industrial who with nerves of steel “hung” the project and kept a cool head during several hairy moments — not to mention in front of an audience of nervous onlookers.
There were hundreds of square footage with thousands of extremely small tiles, it was a marathon of endless days and nights with long hours of nipping, cutting, and laying glass. The project tested all that endured the creation. Go by the SOD and check it out — it’s definitely not what you expect to see in Augusta, GA.
If you are interested in getting a Paul Pearman custom design, call 706-667-9535 or contact us at